Sunday, February 6, 2011

List I : The Best Days of the Week

Which day of the week is the best? It's really quite obvious, but here's the official list:

1. Friday
2. Thursday
3. Saturday
4. Sunday
5. Wednesday
6. Tuesday
7. Monday

Friday is clearly the best choice for number 1. Friday has been a popular day since the days of elementary school and sleepovers. Thursday is probably the most surprising, having jumped ahead of the very popular Saturday, but Saturday night signals that the weekend is already half over, a very depressing thought, whereas Thursday night means the weekend is just about to start.

The rest should seem obvious.


  1. Hey I agree with most of that! Though personally I like Wednesday better than Sunday. Once I hit Wednesday I know the weekend is up and coming, on Sunday I realize that Monday is tomorrow haha

  2. Saturday's depressing only if you see it as such.

  3. Friday is definitely the best, as you said. Beginning of the weekend, staying up late, doing stupid crap with your friends, what's not to love?

  4. Fridays is the best day by far. A lot of people categorize days with colours. For me Friday is blue and Wednesday is green.

  5. Thrusdays used to be amazing when I didnt have class at 8 am Friday :(

  6. 100% agree with all of that, Mondays are by far the worst days

  7. i disagree with you bro, every day is amazing!! you just gotta get out into the world and use my tips to hook up the ladies!!! its gonna be legend, wait for it..... DARY :D

  8. Sunday nights are terrible! Monday is definitely the worst though haha.

  9. Wednesdays are pretty great, you know you're halfway to the weekend! Followed

  10. Tuesday because it's the day of MARS, GOD OF WAR

  11. put thursday behind sunday and you have yourself a list (TURN OFF CAPTCHA)

  12. screw thursday, saturday deserves the #2 spot

  13. Friday and Saturday of course. Sunday is depressing because my sleeping schedule is completely fucked and I'm not able to sleep till 3 a.m.
